qual•i•ty en•gi•neer•ing
- What Milburn Civil Engineering delivers for every project.
Site Planning and Development
- Commercial/Industrial Site Planning & Development
- Residential Site Planning & Development
- Master Site Plan Layout
- Preparation of Complete Plans & Specifications for Competitive Bidding
- Preparation Public Infrastructure Plans
- Preparation of Site Plans, Grading Plans and Utility Plans for Private Commercial/Industrial Developments
Geotechnical Design
- Segmental Retaining Wall Design
- Concrete Cantilever Retaining Wall Design
- Retaining Wall Global Stability Analysis
- Levee Repair and Design
- Levee Uplift Analysis
- Levee Seepage Analysis
Stormwater Management and Design
- Hydrologic & Hydraulic Analysis and Design
- Stormwater Quality BMP Design
- Detention & Retention Basin Design
- Dam & Levee Design
- Floodplain Analysis
- Storm Pipe Rehabilitation & Replacement
- Macro & Micro Stormwater Studies
Utility Design
- Water & Wastewater Design
- Lift Stations Design
- Utility Coordination
Structural Design
- Concrete Manhole and Vault Design
- Concrete Foundation Design
- Lateral Load Analysis of Deep Foundations
Transportation Design
- Roadway Design
- Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities